подскажите пожалуйста,как заполнить в статистике сайта Player Information:флаг страны,аватар,реальное имя,Location,Status, и т.д.?

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4. How can I set my real name, e-mail address, and homepage?



Player profile options can be configured by saying the appropriate HLX_SET command while you are playing on a participating game server. To say commands, push your chat key and type the command text.


Syntax: say /hlx_set option value.


Acceptable "options" are:


Sets your Real Name as shown in your profile.

Example: /hlx_set realname Joe Bloggs



Sets your E-mail Address as shown in your profile.

Example: /hlx_set email joe@joebloggs.com



Sets your Home Page as shown in your profile.

Example: /hlx_set homepage http://www.joebloggs.com/


Note: These are not standard Half-Life console commands. If you type them in the console, Half-Life will give you an error.


For a full list of supported ingame commands, type the word help into ingame chat.


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Аватары отображает только у пользователей Steam

Локацию и флаг страны определяет автоматически.

Статус отображает забанен ли ты VAC'ом (тоже только для пользователей Steam)

Остальное как прописать описано выше.

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