Ok cool

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О Ok cool

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  1. Ok cool


    Well said amigo.Peace and Love 🍓
  2. Ok cool

    its not about being satisfied,its about being polite and enjoy the game
  3. Ok cool

    Hello Bcm Admins,some minutes before i play with a friend of mine (pharaon) in your server,office,i t was this toxic kid "Uroboros" who said always things about me just because i tried to knife my enemy friend.In the end he told that my mom is a slut.1year ago i got banned and muted because i said the "f" word because i didnt killed an enemy.I think its fair enought to do the same with this player because come here to play calm and relax because its Public server with chill vibes and not Private with toxic players. Your Anna/okcool
  4. Ok cool

    Ok,i played soe mins before in dd2 .I was ter and all team was camping in t-spawn with awp.So i smoked the area in order to move and play normal.I did it 4 times but nothing happend hey still camped in spawn.So i flashed the t spawn because we were 4 persons and the 3 were camping with awp and just chilled.One of them was vip (classic problem in bcm in my opinion the overreact of Vips).I play BCM for about 2 years i think and in my opinion overreacting from vips is now too much.last years we talked,made funetc all together now you cant do something they dont like pff
  5. Ok cool

    Well said!!To be honest not by all Vips,but a lot cause problems in the game!
  6. Ok cool

    why i got banned again?Is it so easy to voteban someone only bcause he is good,it's now he 2cond time in 2 weeks i got banned because some players vote me for cheats (Score 7-2 )..Is there any Vip or Admin who sees the demos and check all this toxic guys who always ban goodplayers?Thank you..
  7. Ok cool

    ahahhahahaah this guys did it
  8. Ok cool

    Hi guys it's okcool here,i was playing in Bcm Italy with my friends,19:40 and we made funny things and they votemuted me for "fun" :') Can you please unmute me or un-ban?Thank you for your time! P&L
  9. Ok cool

    Hi BCM i played 2 days before in Arena,with a nickname called "callboy",and someone made a joke about players named "Searcher and Supreme" and i typed "HAHAHAH" and i got muted.Ok sorry if this was not "polite",the ahaha,but its a game and it was funnyl and i see every day kids shouting and telling mom jokes and nothing happens.I would be very happy if you can unmute me because i never cause problems there. thank you for your time p&l 25 ноя 20:32 callboy Мут Оскорбительное поведение 1 д. через 2 ч. KOZAK MAMAI Arena #4
  10. Ok cool

    Dinosower is A clan/team mad e by LOLYOU..ok whatever i will not put in if there is problem.So i would be happy if i could have my name and sprays unblocked.Thnx
  11. Ok cool

    Hi,my game name is okcool and i cant put name,clan name and there is no spray showed since yesterday.I play with name "playbcm" and i saw in ban,mute list my name,but i can read the language.Could you please tell me what this means?Thank you 4 the time
  12. Ok cool

    Hi guys it's me "Ok cool" yesterday i said the "f" word on my game and i apologized for it after seconds,then i realised i got muted.I would be very happy if you can unmute me also as i said iam apologe for my bad langouage it was my first and last time.Thank you guys for the time