Kristiyan Pavlov

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О Kristiyan Pavlov

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793 просмотра профиля
  1. Kristiyan Pavlov

    Hello Lexx, I know it is abusive, but the arabs on the server back in this time were also abusive. I started to play intensive again and I don't swear and change my nick anymore. My usual nick is SlipKnoT_CZ. I promise I will not violate again. Thank you for the understanding. Regards, Kris
  2. Kristiyan Pavlov

    Hello guys, My nick was removed year ago and I was wondering why I cannot change it now. Can you please remove this ban for a nickname ? Thank you in advance. My IP address is Regards, Kristiyan Pavlov
  3. Kristiyan Pavlov

    Hello Guys, Today I got mute for 7 days. I think it is too much. One of the arabs ofended me and I used terminology as "gay" etc. Overall I will not repeat that. Sorry about this, please unmute me. My nick is "SlipKnoT_CZ". Thanks in advance. Regards, Kris
  4. Kristiyan Pavlov

    Всем привет, сначала извеняюсь за своем русском. Я бы хотел попросить, чтобы Вы мне сняли бан на ник SlipKnoT_CZ. У меня были " плохие " ники как " Fuck Syria " , Fuck Muslims и так далее, ну больше менять его небуду, только хочу чтоб остался SlipKnoT_CZ. Как гарантии моего обещания, если еще раз зто повториться, то можете мне сразу забанить из сервера. Просто мне сервер очень нравиться, и играю на ним каждого дня. Спасибо ! Кристиян Павлов.
  5. Kristiyan Pavlov

    Hey guys, I cannot anymore see the server ! Strange things happening since yesterday - the admins changed my name from " Bojinkata " to playbcm, then I saw I am muted ( for no actual reason ! I am not even using the chat... ), then now I wanted to play and looks like I am banned ! Pls change this. My new username will be SlipKnoT_CZ as it was previous. Thanks in advance !