27 -
О Mr_(FlashMan>
Рядовой ★★
Посетители профиля
Блок посетителей профиля отключен и не будет отображаться другим пользователям
Если ты не накажешь тех, кто проклинает меня, я прокляну тебя на сервере, и я прокляну всех, кто проклинает меня. Не глупи. Well thank you, but what to do?
I swear I don't lying, please do anything that could return my right
They said it on their own microphone. что ты имеешь в виду респовая мышь?
Sorry to bother you, I'm here to report Scrooge McDuck, he's don't ban the bad cursing, they insulted my mother and forced me to shut up, you must do something about that, he maybe don't ban his friends or something like that, due to they are his friends, I don't know and he is always against me. Thank you for listening me very carefully. FlashMan.
What I did to give me this ban, I was shooting with my sniper????!
Nothing worked. I think, Could you delete any account has the same name of me? (Don't delete the original account) The original account is on the top.
Thanks for your efforts, but it didn't work.
It didn't work.
Oligator2000 подписался на Mr_(FlashMan>
I was like this ---------> <----------this me now Please Help me to fix it!!!
I'm really don't know.
Hello, I have a problem with my account, I was in rank 55th and now I am above 1000th. Please help me to fix this problem!
Alexandr20 подписался на Mr_(FlashMan>
Черный Кот =^-_-^= Haaay, this is not fair and it's not in the rules. why you banned me ???? unban me please !!
Черный Кот =^-_-^= Ok what's now?